一名身上装有传感器的妇女举起了一个盒子, 另一个女人看着她,示范这个动作.


The 生物力学、工效学和能力研究(BEAR)实验室 focuses on developing knowledge and methods to support patient-centered physical medicine. 由横跨健康科学学院的多学科研究小组组成, expert faculty work in close collaboration with undergraduate and graduate students to achieve advances in health 监控ing and care delivery.

最先进的空间被设计和装备来测量, 监控, 并从各个方面改变移动性和精神状态, 利用红外和无标记的三维运动跟踪, 力板, 肌电图, 眼动追踪和基于计算机视觉的影响评估. 目前的研究项目包括检查骨关节炎的实验研究, 癌症生存, 自闭症, 老年工人和特殊人群的工作相关健康, 姿势和受伤风险, 运动表现.

BEAR实验室的任务是发现, develop and sustain a multidisciplinary academic and research agenda in the area of human movement. 在无尽的好奇心的驱使下,我们的目标是最终提高生活质量. We apply biomechanical principles through rigorous investigations of ergonomics (adjusting the environment to suit the capabilities of the individual) and abilities (the capabilities of an individual within a given environment).


  • To share ideas and develop innovative solutions in addressing issues related to human movement.
  • 帮助他人达到最佳的人体运动.
  • 识别运动特征,帮助我们理解疼痛和活动限制.
  • To gain a greater understanding of the impact of environmental and human factors on the risk of falls and injury.
  • To develop screening tools that recognize gait impairments as well as performance 监控ing.
  • To improve the patient-provider relationship by revealing “truths” about pain state and empathetic traits.


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  1. 骨关节炎隐蔽性疼痛和活动受限的生物识别
    使用平衡评估(通过测力板)和视觉注意力(通过眼动追踪), 还有病人报告的疼痛和活动能力, we seek to create a data-driven method to identify persons who underreport their level of impairment – termed camouflaged pain and mobility limitations. This work includes student led efforts to explore the provider empathy profile and common patient surgical decision criteria.
  1. 癌症幸存者的平衡和行动障碍
    化疗常引起周围神经病变, 哪些会导致一系列的侮辱,包括不适和感觉运动障碍. We are exploring the use of balance assessments (via portable force plate) that can be used in clinical and home settings to 监控 onset and recovery of balance impairments. Applications of this work include patient-centered customization of treatment and rehabilitation.
  1. 继续医学教育的虚拟学习技术
    我们已经在Unity游戏引擎中开发了物理BEAR实验室的虚拟复制品, 用于实验室模拟. The goal of this project is to further develop this environment for use in continuing medical education, 为物理医学提供者提供生物力学工具和术语的知识.
  1. (二)运动与社会发展的康复技术
    这项工作包括开发性能监测和行为训练工具, 分别是姿势和社会认知技能.

    我们正在尝试延长BTrackS测力板以实现无线操作, 在更小的重量下有更精细的分辨率, so that postural development of very young children can be 监控ed more conveniently and accessibly than is otherwise currently possible.

    We use eye tracking technology to probe subtle/implicit attentional bias towards images/videos of physically painful experiences, with a goal of better understanding the lived experience of persons with musculoskeletal impairment and the empathy gap that many of these persons feel when interacting with able bodied clinicians.
  1. 性能优化
    使用生物力学技术, we evaluate novel metrics of performance 监控ing and assess the efficacy of training and warm-up strategies to improve performance. 这包括循环行为计时的新指标.g. gait patterns) using nonlinear analysis and the use of artificial intelligence to recognize successful movements from webcam 监控ing, 哪些组合支持远程和自主培训.
  1. 竞技游戏中的人体工程学
    Assessing the discomfort and cognitive demand levels of varsity and club esports players as a result of their game console setup and mental focus across different game systems. 目前, 我们正在使用调查研究来更好地了解这个环境, 但如果允许进行面对面的研究, 我们将使用态势评估, 阀座压力图, 眼球追踪, and metabolic energy expenditure to gain objective data about the demands placed on these players so that we can make recommendations for training schedules, 生活方式因素, 家具布置.
  1. 准备员工在家工作的培训效果
    How well does the ergonomics training delivered in the office translate to healthy work habits while working from home? Ergonomics assessment services generally provide feedback about the workstation and adjust it to suit the employee and reduce discomfort. 但, 如果员工不知道具体要注意什么, 他们是否能够适当地设置他们的家庭办公工作站, or should all employees be given a basic ergonomics overview at regular intervals to make sure that they are informed of best practices to keep themselves safe? 目前, we’re using surveys and image digitization to evaluate the ergonomics of home office workstation as a result of the ergonomics training that the employee received to determine which training approach is most effective in preventing injury.
  1. 制造车间拉伸方案的可行性与有效性
    根据拉伸的最佳实践, 我们制定了一个“理想”的工作场所拉伸计划,在早上进行动态拉伸, 静电在下午延伸, 下班后做个瑜伽间歇...问题是如何让员工和管理层认同这个项目. 考虑到全球大流行病有可能使所有工作停顿, 以及对那些完成伸展运动的人的欺凌行为, and you find that incorporating it into the daily routine within a manufacturing facility is an uphill battle.

BEAR实验室由dr. 迪斯堡和霍沃斯. 随着 健康科学学院的专家团队 指导本科生和研究生的研究工作, and seeks to secure and conduct externally sponsored research projects from public and private entities.

We are grateful for the numerous current and former student collaborators who have been instrumental in the lab’s research endeavors.

塔拉·迪斯伯格博士.D., CPE
Dr. Diesbourg是一位经过认证的专业人体工程学专家, and an assistant professor of environmental health and safety in the 卫生科学学院 at 韦德体育app官网. Her research interests include looking at how the body of special populations function in the workplace, 包括老, 怀孕了, 肥胖, 或者患有慢性疾病的人. Dr. Diesbourg教授人体工程学、法规和专业实践方面的课程.

Dr. 戈布尔是一名运动科学副教授, 并担任B.S. 和M.S. 在韦德体育app官网健康科学学院的运动科学项目. His research focuses on the domains of health and disability by objectively measuring balance using portable 力板. Dr. 戈布尔教授生物力学和运动控制课程.

Dr. Haworth is an assistant professor of exercise science in the 卫生科学学院 at 韦德体育app官网. His research focuses on the integration of sensorimotor information in the production of habitual and volitional human movement behavior. Dr. 霍沃斯教授生物力学课程, 运动科学综合实验室, 定向研究.

克里斯蒂安·马龙(Christian Maron)担任实验室经理.


(248) 370-2369

(248) 370-3562